For your Freezer: Joints, Sausages, Burgers and More
Proper Pork Sausages
Devonshire Sausages
Tomato and Basil Sausages
Pork and Garlic Sausages
Cracked Black Pepper Sausages
Pork and Apple Sausages
Pork and Apricot Sausages
Pork Chipolatas
Pork Mince
Diced Pork
Pork & Apple Burgers
Back Bacon Rashers
Loin Chops
Gammon Steaks
Hams (various weights)
Pork Roasts
Half Pig (approx 65lbs)
Multiple stars represent multiple awards
- Taste of the West Gold Award
- Taste of the West Silver Award - Taste of the West Bronze Award
Proper Beef and Proper Lamb
As well as offering pork from our farm we also offer Proper Beef & Lamb
subject to availability. For more information on what beef and lamb we offer
feel free to call us at the farm on: 01364 643836.